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Palm oil exports subject to EU restrictions



The European Union thought palm oil production destroy forests and damage the environment , and since last year it has restricted palm oil from Indonesia into the EU market.. In response, Indonesia’s President Zokwe recently protested to the European Union and the Indonesian government also considered a tooth for a tooth

Palm oil can be used in thousands of household products, from snacks to soaps, and biodiesel production. However, high-demand palm oil has grown in Indonesia and Malaysia at more than 17 million hectares, most of which have been transformed from tropical rain forests. This has been criticized by outsiders for increasing greenhouse gas emissions.

In addition to damaging the environment, the palm oil industry has also been criticized for its involvement in land plundering, child labor and poor working conditions. For example, forest fires spread to neighboring countries every year in Indonesia, and most of them are the result of the "spark" (fire plough) preparations that palm oil companies burned to clean up the land.

In April last year, the European Parliament passed a resolution on "palm oil and deforestation." The European Parliament asked the European Union to “set a single certification system for palm oil producers entering the EU market and phase out vegetative oil that will intensify deforestation by 2020”.

The EU hopes to prohibit the use of biodiesel produced from palm oil in EU countries by 2020, and points out that the expansion of palm oil planting area (mainly in Southeast Asia) will cause large-scale forest fires, river depletion, soil erosion, and waterway pollution. And the overall destruction of biodiversity.

The Indonesian Palm Oil Association (GAPKI) stated that Indonesia's palm oil exports in 2016 totaled 18 billion U.S. dollars and the EU accounted for 16%.

Indonesia's cabinet secretary Pranoan Anung recently stated in the National School of Administration in Sumedang, West Java Province that Indonesia’s President Jacques Zoccey has reached the European Union and the European Parliament regarding the decision of the European Union to reject Indonesia’s palm oil imports. The chairman protested strongly.

Anon pointed out that the Indonesian government believes that the decision made by the EU belongs to trade protectionism because they are jealous of the high-quality palm oil products produced in Indonesia. Zokowei has sent a letter to the EU last week to protest the matter.

He further pointed out that if the EU still implements trade protectionism, Indonesia will absolutely not accept it. It is now an era of free trade. If there are trade measures that hinder Indonesia, the Indonesian government will also consider reliving the same measures.

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